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Нэг өрөөнд ганцаараа амьдардаг Кён Мин-ий гэрт үл таних хүн орж ирж буй ул мөр бүхий хүн амины хэрэгээр эхэлнэ.

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Мал-Сүн 72 настай бөгөөд ганц бие амьдралаар амар жимэр амьдарч байв. Гэтэл нэгэн өдөр Гон Жу болон түүний дүү Мал Сүний амьдралд гарч ирэв. Гон Жу өөрийгөө Мал Сүний ач охин гэж батлах ба тэд хамтдаа амьдрах болно. Түүнээс хойш Мал-Соны амар амгалан амьдрал өөрчлөгдөж, асуудлууд ар араасаа ундарч эхлэнэ. Тэд хамтдаа цаг хугацааг өнгөрөх тусам дасаж, бие биенийхээ хувьд онцгой хүмүүс болж хувирдаг.

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Roy Freeman, an ex-homicide detective with a fractured memory, is forced to revisit a case he can’t remember. As a man’s life hangs in the balance on death row, Freeman must piece together the brutal evidence from a decade-old murder investigation, uncovering a sinister web of buried secrets and betrayals linking to his past. With only instincts to trust, he faces a chilling truth – sometimes, it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie

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Roy Freeman, an ex-homicide detective with a fractured memory, is forced to revisit a case he can’t remember. As a man’s life hangs in the balance on death row, Freeman must piece together the brutal evidence from a decade-old murder investigation, uncovering a sinister web of buried secrets and betrayals linking to his past. With only instincts to trust, he faces a chilling truth – sometimes, it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie

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Roy Freeman, an ex-homicide detective with a fractured memory, is forced to revisit a case he can’t remember. As a man’s life hangs in the balance on death row, Freeman must piece together the brutal evidence from a decade-old murder investigation, uncovering a sinister web of buried secrets and betrayals linking to his past. With only instincts to trust, he faces a chilling truth – sometimes, it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie

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Roy Freeman, an ex-homicide detective with a fractured memory, is forced to revisit a case he can’t remember. As a man’s life hangs in the balance on death row, Freeman must piece together the brutal evidence from a decade-old murder investigation, uncovering a sinister web of buried secrets and betrayals linking to his past. With only instincts to trust, he faces a chilling truth – sometimes, it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie

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Roy Freeman, an ex-homicide detective with a fractured memory, is forced to revisit a case he can’t remember. As a man’s life hangs in the balance on death row, Freeman must piece together the brutal evidence from a decade-old murder investigation, uncovering a sinister web of buried secrets and betrayals linking to his past. With only instincts to trust, he faces a chilling truth – sometimes, it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie

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Roy Freeman, an ex-homicide detective with a fractured memory, is forced to revisit a case he can’t remember. As a man’s life hangs in the balance on death row, Freeman must piece together the brutal evidence from a decade-old murder investigation, uncovering a sinister web of buried secrets and betrayals linking to his past. With only instincts to trust, he faces a chilling truth – sometimes, it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie

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Нэг өрөөнд ганцаараа амьдардаг Кён Мин-ий гэрт үл таних хүн орж ирж буй ул мөр бүхий хүн амины хэрэгээр эхэлнэ.

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Мал-Сүн 72 настай бөгөөд ганц бие амьдралаар амар жимэр амьдарч байв. Гэтэл нэгэн өдөр Гон Жу болон түүний дүү Мал Сүний амьдралд гарч ирэв. Гон Жу өөрийгөө Мал Сүний ач охин гэж батлах ба тэд хамтдаа амьдрах болно. Түүнээс хойш Мал-Соны амар амгалан амьдрал өөрчлөгдөж, асуудлууд ар араасаа ундарч эхлэнэ. Тэд хамтдаа цаг хугацааг өнгөрөх тусам дасаж, бие биенийхээ хувьд онцгой хүмүүс болж хувирдаг.

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Roy Freeman, an ex-homicide detective with a fractured memory, is forced to revisit a case he can’t remember. As a man’s life hangs in the balance on death row, Freeman must piece together the brutal evidence from a decade-old murder investigation, uncovering a sinister web of buried secrets and betrayals linking to his past. With only instincts to trust, he faces a chilling truth – sometimes, it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie

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Roy Freeman, an ex-homicide detective with a fractured memory, is forced to revisit a case he can’t remember. As a man’s life hangs in the balance on death row, Freeman must piece together the brutal evidence from a decade-old murder investigation, uncovering a sinister web of buried secrets and betrayals linking to his past. With only instincts to trust, he faces a chilling truth – sometimes, it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie

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Roy Freeman, an ex-homicide detective with a fractured memory, is forced to revisit a case he can’t remember. As a man’s life hangs in the balance on death row, Freeman must piece together the brutal evidence from a decade-old murder investigation, uncovering a sinister web of buried secrets and betrayals linking to his past. With only instincts to trust, he faces a chilling truth – sometimes, it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie

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Roy Freeman, an ex-homicide detective with a fractured memory, is forced to revisit a case he can’t remember. As a man’s life hangs in the balance on death row, Freeman must piece together the brutal evidence from a decade-old murder investigation, uncovering a sinister web of buried secrets and betrayals linking to his past. With only instincts to trust, he faces a chilling truth – sometimes, it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie

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Roy Freeman, an ex-homicide detective with a fractured memory, is forced to revisit a case he can’t remember. As a man’s life hangs in the balance on death row, Freeman must piece together the brutal evidence from a decade-old murder investigation, uncovering a sinister web of buried secrets and betrayals linking to his past. With only instincts to trust, he faces a chilling truth – sometimes, it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie

Image Description

Roy Freeman, an ex-homicide detective with a fractured memory, is forced to revisit a case he can’t remember. As a man’s life hangs in the balance on death row, Freeman must piece together the brutal evidence from a decade-old murder investigation, uncovering a sinister web of buried secrets and betrayals linking to his past. With only instincts to trust, he faces a chilling truth – sometimes, it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie

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